
Will Wind Waker Be On Switch

Zelda Developer Confirms Archetype Games Aren't Coming To Switch

Zelda Developer Confirms Classic Games Aren't Coming To Switch



16th May 2022 12:14

Sad to interruption it to y'all, but it doesn't sound similarThe Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker andThe Fable of Zelda: Twilight Princess are coming to the Nintendo Switch. Much like those continued reports that a Silent Hill revival is in the works, one of the most prevalent video game rumours is that more classicZelda games are getting the new-gen treatment.

2021 was a bit of a washout when it comes toZeldanews, and it was hardly the 35th anniversary commemoration we were hoping for. There was the release of Skyward Sword Hard disk drive, but as one of the lesserZelda outings (sorry, it'due south true), Hyrule wasn't exactly sounding the trumpets. Many hoped that Nintendo could follow in Capcom's footsteps with Resident Evil and release remasters on a regular footing, but sadly, it'south looking like a bosom.

Are More Zelda Games Getting A Remaster?

Before this year, insider Jeff Grubb claimed the 2002 and 2006 legends would be remastered every bit a packet for the Switch and fifty-fifty gave a potential release window. Although it all sounded pretty logical and like information technology would coin Nintendo a modest fortune, the bundle's presumed developer has sent our hopes hurling into the fires of Expiry Mountain.

Twilight Princess programmer Tantalus Media has said it's not been approached virtually a Switch port, which pretty much stops the notion dead in its tracks. Speaking to the Fragments of Silicon podcast, Tantalus CEO Tom Crago said, "Nosotros'd obviously love to do that, but that hasn't been a priority for Nintendo – or at least not in conversations that they've had with united states. The way information technology works with our friends over there is we'll jump at any opportunity we tin to piece of work on i of their titles. At that place's a abiding dialogue between our two companies."

Crago continued: "Often there'south a niggling bit of time that passes between titles, and there might be other ideas that are kicked around, but in the case ofSkyward Sword, some fourth dimension passed, and then the e-mail comes: 'Would yous be interested in considering bringing Skyward Sword on to Switch?' To which the answer is of form, 'Yes we would.' And then we enter into the conversations with Nintendo around what that might await similar, and eventually we get underway."

Will We Ever See More Zelda Remasters?

As Crago reminds us, the two sides are in constant chat, suggesting that at least Nintendo has a skilful working relationship with Tantalus. If yous don't know Tantalus' credentials, the team previously worked on Twilight Princess HD for the Wii U in 2016. It's also not unheard of for publishers to go for different developers, but given the company's CV, we'd be surprised if someone else took upward the challenge of a new-genTwilight Princess.

Information technology'due south a sad state of affairs that there'south all the same no sign ofWind Waker orTwilight Princess on the Switch. Now that Ocarina of Time andMajora's Mask are playable via the Switch Online library, there'due south an always-decreasing number of Zelda games that aren't on the Switch. Peradventure information technology'south because bothWind Waker andTwilight Princess have had HD remakes that Nintendo is dragging its heels, but either mode, don't expect to see Link hopping in his boat or crossing paths with Midna anytime shortly.


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